
Communicate directly with seller

Communicate with sellers directly through our platform using our built in messenger. Talk directly to the person who knows the property and the area best..


Negotiate offers with the seller online.

Negotiate offers for listed properties with sellers directly through our platform. Once a sale is agreed we pass the information to the conveyancer to process the sale.


Arrange viewings with the seller online

The Agent Not Needed platform makes its super simple for buyers to arrange a viewing with a few simple mouse clicks.


Save time by cutting out the middle men

Agent Not Needed connects the buyer and seller directly. Allowing you to communicate day and night when the other estate agents are closed.

How It Works!


Step 1

Search for a property in an area you like.


Step 2

Communicate, arrange viewings and Negotiate price directly online using our software.


Step 3

Agreed sales are then passed to a legal convayancer to complete the transaction. We keep you upto date through to completion.


Communicate directly with buyer

Communicate with sellers directly through our platform using our built in messenger. Talk about the property with the person who knows it best.


Negotiate offers with the buyer online.

Negotiate offers for listed properties with buyer directly through our platform. Once a sale is agreed we pass the information to the conveyancer to process the sale.


Arrange viewings with the buyer

Arrange property viewings direct with the buyer through our platform. Save time by dealing direct and not having to relay messages through a 3rd party.

No Estates

Best of all
it's FREE!

That's right its 100% FREE if you list the property yourself. Or you can just pay for the services you require. If you are busy and would like us to manage the whole process, you can pay a small upfront fee of £495.

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How It Works!


Step 1

List your property for FREE only pay for the services you need.


Step 2

Communicate, arrange viewings and Negotiate price directly online using our software.


Step 3

Agreed sales are then passed to a legal convayancer to complete the transaction. We keep you upto date through to completion.


Communicate directly with the tenant

Communicate with tenants directly through our platform using our built in messenger. Talk directly to the person who knows the property and the area best.

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Reduce risks of bad tenants
With rent guarantee

Our rent guarantee insurance ensures you get the rent on rent day. If the tenant doesnt pay it covers the cost of the eviction. If the tenant damages the house its covered. It only Costs £30 a month for rent upto £1,000pm.

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Search for rated tenants
Coming Aug18

Coming in August 2018 landlords will be able to search for pre referenced and rated tenants to quickly find good suitable people for your property.

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Save time & money on finding quality tenants

List your property for free and pay just £99 when we find you a tenant. Everything is managed online.

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Credit Check

No admin fees or referencing fees

Tenants don't have to pay anything to rent a property through Agent Not Needed. Thats right, no admin fees, no referencing fees.


Communicate directly with landlord

Communicate and arrange viewings with the landlord directly through our platform using our built in messenger. Then simply fill in the application online and if accepted you move.


Complete tenancy agreement quickly

As the landlord wants to secure tenants are quickly as possible, all documents are completed quickly using e-sign.

real time tracking

Find your perfect property now!

Just enter your desired area, then message the landlord direct. It could not be any simpler.

Find your dream home!

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